Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Wow Thank You

I thought I'd blog about the new site that I've just joined, WOW Thank You.

It's run by Tracey Kifford, who aims to "attract the non-crafting general public to buy UK designed and made gifts rather than mass produced imported shopping centre fodder".

Tracey has a background in business journalism which was a massive selling point for me when I looked at joining the site!

The website http://www.wowthankyou.co.uk/ is really classy and I love the branding. They sell a wide range of goods (including my owls and cats now!)  They are also sponsoring CRAFTfest, an online craft fair (more details here)

Here are a few things from other sellers that I really like:


1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your new shop :o)
    Love the items.
    I know Quirky boots and her items are fab, some of them adorn my craft room :o)

    {Dab and a dash.}
